Chronicles of a Procrastinating Novelist Volume 24: Inspiration Fairy

Thanks to a recent makeover of the blog via the aid of my fabulously talented twin, I stumbled upon a new subject ripe for exploitation as post subject matter! Meet "The Artistic Process Fairies," personifications of the rota of moods, phenomena, and pressures creating havoc in the old scribbler's brain pan. We'll start with she who was mentioned way back in volume 2. Meet Inspiration Fairy: Fickle, world traveled, and sought after by every artistic mind in existence, rather than allow herself to be overtaxed by all that demand, she's prone to stop in, drop an idea, then flit off to sunny climes and hang out at the beach. You better be ready to record her offerings when she stops in, even if that means scrambling naked from your bathtub to race across the house in search of pen, paper, voice recorder, or crayon with which to scrawl on a wall, because she won't suffer the unprepared. Alternatively, you can go hunting for her, in which case you might stumble on her, and she might throw you a bone so that she can get back to her margarita. She has a chronic aversion to neuroses, which is hilarious given on whom she bestows her favors, but in the words of Pablo Picasso, "Inspiration exists, but [she] has to find you working." She's far more benevolent if she believes you won't squander her gifts. They're precious, after all, so should you squander, beware, for you have invoked her ire, and good luck getting her to show up again in less than six months. Be good. Be attentive. Be grateful, and she'll show. And maybe leave a mini bottle margarita open on your desk
Thank you for reading.